AssetWise Inspections

Submitting the Inspection Report

When an inspection report is complete it must then be submitted into the agency's workflow for approval.

To submit a report, click the icon to view the Report Actions section of the Navigation Bar and click the Submit Report for Review link:

Select the desired workflow stage to send the report to from the Workflow Stage dropdown. Select the desired user to send the report to for approval from the Submit To dropdown.

Click the Submit button to submit the inspection report for review, or click the Close button to cancel the submission.

Conflict Resolver

When a report has proceeded through the agency's workflow and is submitted for final approval, AssetWise Inspections compares the report values to the asset's asset values to determine if there are any conflicts. A conflict exists when an asset value is both different and newer than a value in the submitted report.

A conflict is determined by reviewing the time stamps of the values. Because the most recent report values become the asset values, issues arise when the asset values have time stamps that are more recent than the most recent report values. This typically occurs because the time stamp for report values is the date and time of the creation of the report not the submission of the report.

Example: A new report is created for an asset on 01/02/16 at 1:00 p.m. A user realizes there is an error with the asset values of that same asset and makes corrections on 01/05/16 at 9:00 a.m. The asset's report is completed and submitted for final approval on 01/10/16 at 4:00 p.m.

The report was submitted more recently than the asset values were changed, but a conflict arises because the system recognizes the report values' time stamp as 01/02/16 at 1:00 p.m and the new asset values' time stamp as 01/05/16 at 9:00 a.m.

Conflicts must be resolved before the report can be submitted for final approval. Conflicts can be resolved in two ways:

  1. Manually The user can manually edit the conflicting values by clicking on the form link for each of the conflicting values. The values that need changed will be highlighted in red on the form:
    • Clicking on the field will reveal a popup that allows the user to choose whether to use the asset value or the report value:
    • Once all of the conflicts are resolved, the user can resubmit the report.
  2. Automatically The user can use the dropdown to determine whether all of the conflicts will use the asset values or report values: